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Future Star
Style : Heavy Metal
Nationalité : Angleterre 

Biographie :  Formed Jan 2005, initially as a three piece called TAGELUS featuring Mazz (vocals), Greg (guitar) and Kev (drums). Five awesome songs were written in the first awesome jam session but only three of these remained by the time we were finally christened as BATTLEWITCH and the now infamous Two Scoops was installed as bassist. The first life changing BATTLEWITCH live experience was in a chav filled pool room in Swansea April 2005 and the first EP “Dawn Of Ruin” was released in October of the same year. More venue shattering gigs followed supporting such luminaries as MARSHALL LAW and TRUCKFIGHTERS and minds were blown – culminating in the release of the now much acclaimed “Fyredroyde” disc in May 2006 which won new allies here and overseas. Scoops was replaced at the turn of the following year by the legend “HEAVY METALJim who came in initially to cover for a few months but took in such highlights as the tour of Ireland and heroic performances at Metalbrew, Riffstock and Awesomefest.

In the end he stuck around until April 2008, helping to us to lay down some fresh new recordings. Bassist number three jumped into the fray a month later, the mighty mighty Simon “Thee ‘Awke” Hawke and the metal machine rolls steadily onwards crushing all in it’s sorry wake. After a bunch of false starts, big disappointments and other trifling things which drove us all insane, the long awaited debut album “Wessex Steel” was released in May 2009.

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Wessex steel    

Wessex in the metal city !


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